To Do Today: ✅ 1. Make the bed ✅ 2. Prepare breakfast, make coffee ✅ 3. Wash dishes ✅ 4. Tidy up common areas ✅ 5. Get kids ready for school ✅ 6. Carpool/ School drop-offs ✅ 7. Do a load of laundry ✅ 8. Sweep and vacuum floors ✅ 9. Wipe down kitchen surfaces ✅ 10. Plan and prepare meals ✅ 11. Water plants ✅ 12. Organize mail and paperwork ✅ 13. Declutter ✅ 14. Check household supplies 15. School pick-up 16. Soccer practice 17. Grocery shopping 18. Pick-up from soccer 19. Start kids on homework 20. Cook dinner 21. Clean kitchen 22. Kids’ baths, brush teeth 23. Bedtime story & lights out 24. Quality time with husband

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